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Repainted and Many Improvements Made by 60 Workmen

Victory for Superintendent.




After nearly ten years of neglect, the Coney Island Hospital has been completely renovated so that now it is on par with any hospital in the greater city. From cellar to roof, the institution has been overhauled and many improvements made. Matthew J. Kennedy, Superintendent of the Department of Charities, is the man who had charge of the renovation work. Six weeks ago, when he received orders from Charities Commissioner Bird S. Coler to begin work, he selected ten men from the Bureau of Mechanics to act as foreman to see that the work was properly done. Sixty workmen were started to work  with instructions to have the job completed before the middle of June. Yesterday Mr. Kennedy reported to Commissioner Coler that the work was finished and the hospital in the interior looked like a new institution. It is expected that the Commissioner will visit the hospital Sunday afternoon to view the work done.

          The Coney Island Hospital was opened in the year 1910. It is a pretentious brick building 3 stories high, and it is located on Ocean



Parkway, near Avenue Y. Before this building was erected the hospital was in a small frame building only able to accommodate ten beds, On Sea Breeze ave., near Ocean Parkway.

          When the new Coney Island Hospital was opened nine years ago it was easily one of the best in the borough. But as the years passed by, those in charge were unable to have any repairs done to the place. The surgical ward, one of the most important rooms in any hospital, was not up to date, and the visiting doctors, when they come to Coney Island to perform major operations, were badly handicapped.

          A year ago this month, Miss Maude Kean was appointed superintendent of the hospital. Miss Kean had seen service in the Kings County Hospital. While at the latter institution she made an enviable record for efficiency and she had proved herself a good executive. With the entrance of Miss Kean things began to happen at Coney Island.

          She found the place was not up to date. Many essential things were lacking. Particularly modern X-Ray appliances and sun porches and other facilities of importance. The new superintendent appealed to Commissioner Coler and he sent Mr. Kennedy to make an investigation. Miss Kean showed him over the place. She showed him the plumbing, which had not been attended to in years, and the dirty walls


and the insufficient number of sleeping porches, and the

antiquated surgical room and the small and cramped refectory. Commissioner Coler later visited the place and ordered repairs.

          Late in April the work began. The walls were painted a pale blue. In the basement the kitchen was enlarged and new ranges and cooking utensils installed. The refectory was cleaned and painted and a new tile floor has been substituted for the wooden one. Instead of one dispensary in which men, women and children were assembled and treated, there are now three for men, women, and children respectively. On the first floor the wards have been completely renovated and new beds and mattresses have made their appearance. New and up to date sun porches have been erected in the children’s, maternity and infants wards.

          The surgical room and operating rooms have been enlarged and painted and the newest and the best. X-Ray apparatus installed. The nurses and doctors quarters have also been enlarged and the old furniture has given way to new.

          The staff of the Coney Island Hospital consists of Miss Maude Keane, superintendent., and Miss Augusta Primps, head nurse. The internes are Dr. Christio Drage, Dr. Bernard Phillips, Dr. Charles Cohen, and Dr. John Mangerio.       



$600,000 HOSPITAL




Increased Population of District Making Big Demands Upon Old Building


       The greatly increased population of the Coney Island and Sheepshead Bay sections of the boro has made the original plant of the Coney Island Hospital inadequate and the city has approved $6000,000 to be used in erecting an addition to the main building, which will more than double its capacity. Dodge & Morrison, architects, have been commissioned to prepare plans for the new structure.

          The original hospital buildings were erected in 1907 and 1908 and formed a compact group well adapted to the work then to be done.

          Owing to the close grouping of the buildings in the center of the 25 acres of ground there is no way to add wings to the present main building which would also have access to the kitchen and elevators, so the additions are limited at this time to the carrying capacity of the present walls for the addition of stories above and a 500-foot extension of the rear  wing for service.

          By the addition of two floors over the entire building four additional wards with their solariums and utilities will be obtained and the bed capacity actually doubled. A new nurses’ home will be erected to the south of the present group.

          The upper floors in a general way will follow the arrangement of the lower floors, with the elevators extended, but only as made necessary by the present construction; that is, the private rooms, diet kitchens, utilities, etc. Shall be in the center and the wards to the north and south, with solariums, stairs and toilet rooms on each end.

          The new wards, however, will be divided by cubicles into alcoves for four beds each. Utilities will be provided at each end of the wards to save the nurses’ footsteps and an enclosed nurses’ station has been provided overlooking and commanding each ward.

          A very general rearrangement of the lower floors has been provided for. The removal of the nurses’ dining room and pantries to their new building will provide space for fluoroscopic work and dark rooms. Separate waiting rooms for males and females will be provided for the dispensary and the kitchen and helps’ dining rooms will be enlarged.

          The children’s’ wards to the rear of the second floor will be enlarged for 30 beds in addition to an enclosed solarium, isolation rooms and new kitchen, toilet and utility rooms.


Nurses’ Home in Plans


The nurses’ home will be three stories high and have 74 beds for nurses- one to a room-large reception room and smaller social halls on each floor, dining room, kitchen, laundry, trunk storage, and in fact, a complete club house for the new and enlarged staff of nurses, leaving their present smaller building for the female helps’ quarters.

          Arrangements have been made for the filling in of considerable of the rear portion of the hospital site and the lawn and extension of driveways, etc., to the new building. New boilers for heat, generators for electricity, and a new refrigeration system are being provided for in the power house.







Construction Also of Home for Nurses Marks Completion of Half of Program.




Additions to Main Building and

Other Improvements Will

Provide Needed Space


            The first half of the program which is soon to double the facilities of Coney Island Hospital, which will place it in the first rank of modern medical institutions has just been completed, Medical Superintendent C.G. Scherf announced yesterday, with the construction of the new nurses’ home and a new wing to the main building.

            The thirty-nine trained nurses and attendants will move into their new quarters immediately. The new wing, on which work was started last August, is three stories high and has sixty-five private single rooms. It is also provided with a large reception room, dining hall, and library.

            “With the $610,000 allowed us by the Walker Administration for this enlargement program, made necessary by the amazing growth of this district, we are also adding two floors on the main building,” Mr. Scherf said. “This will give us four additional wards, with thirty beds in each, so that we will be able to take care of twice as many patients as we can now.”

            Every patient will have a large measure of privacy, as partitions will separate all beds,” Mr. Scherf pointed out. Another feature of the new wards will be a large, spacious sun parlor for convalescents.

Wing to Open Next Week


            The rear wing enlarging the children’s ward has been completed and will be occupied next week, Mr. Scherf said. This new building also provides for new isolation rooms, a diet kitchen, enlarged staff quarters and two new rooms for extensive maternity service.

            An unusual feature of the enlarged hospital will be a solarium, or sun parlor, finished in promenade tile, located on the roof of the main building, where patients may enjoy a splendid view of lower New York Bay, the blue waters of the Atlantic, and the hazy outlines of the New Jersey coast line while getting a sunlight and ocean breeze treatment.

            To increase the efficiency of the hospital, a modern radio call system is being installed. With this system it will be possible to get in touch with  a doctor nurse anywhere in the main building, dispensary, or laboratory within a few seconds. The operator at the switchboard simply speaks into a microphone the name of the person desired. And the call is repeated from loudspeakers in all the rooms. Thus the individual wanted is immediately notified without compelling other nurses or doctors to leave their patients to answer the telephone or page the right party.


Can Photograph Heart Waves


            A medical invention, known as the electric cardiogram, an extremely sensitive instrument which can photograph the electric wave that passes through the heart during a single beat, making it possible to make delicate and accurate diagnosis of heart conditions, is another feature of the enlarged hospital, Mr. Scherf said.


            To aid in the location and setting of fractured bones, a common accident along beaches, a modern fluoroscope has been added to the large X-Ray equipment.

            A modern carbon dioxide refrigerator plant is being installed to keep all ice boxes throughout the seven buildings of the hospital constantly cool.

            Coney Island Creek and the low lying ponds created during construction, as they are a breeding ground for mosquitoes during the Summer, will be filled within a week.

            “The activities of this hospital have increased 25 percent over the last year, when we treated 3,621 patients and took care of 18,921 dispensary cases and 5,000 ambulance calls” Mr. Scherf explained. “We can take care of twice or three times as many patients this year because of our increased facilities. But this section is growing in leaps and bounds and within a few years even our enlarged facilities will be unequal to the demands on them. However we have an unlimited power for expansion as the hospital owns more than twenty-five acres of property, which should allow us ample space for growth for many years.

            The hospital, when all the construction scheduled is finished within a few weeks, will have room for 300 patients and, besides the nurses home, will consist of six structures: the main building, two dormitories, one power house, one garage and laundry and one pathological laboratory.

            The present staff comprises 24 in the dispensary, 41 visiting doctors and attendants, 8 internes and 2 resident doctors. The hospital was established in May 1910.
